Saturday, October 17, 2015

Jason McAfee Art, Music and Games.

Robot Assassin In Warfare Apocalypse

Drone Take down

Assassin For Hire

Cyborg Energy Boost

    This illustrates what I have seen in the past in video games and movies before and after I was born, I decided to enhance my with my outlook and vision and the present. I have a small fascination with graffiti so I Incorporated it in in a couple of paintings including this one. In the past including this one is part of a reboot of my older paintings I figure it would be better to learn from the past and move on to the future in a new collection of well thought out  and detailed paintings.
    I notice in alot of retro classics show nuclear explosions and apocalyptic themes, from beat em up in the future games they have scum and punks you have to beat up and cyborg and warfare going on that was also included in films from the 80's and late 90's I noticed from watching some even in cartoons. Even though all that was going on and is added in I put my own signature details and style to it so it is original.

Bludgeoned Into Silence - As Flesh Falls Off The Bone

The sky is turning red
pus colored clouds fill the sky
the first drops of acid melts your eyes
acid falls like machine gun bullets going through the body
Turning your skin into liquid like dough
the flesh falls off like a melting candle
Bones turn yellow from decay
a trail of rotting flesh follows the footsteps
pus from the brain oozes from the eye sockets
the fabric sticks to the bone
you fall to the ground
Seizures run through your body like a fish out of water
staring at the sky as the clouds urinates all over you
decayed and rotting the earth takes over
gazing into the darkness images melt vision is gone
The sun dries the bones with a rancid stench
death fills the air with corpses and survivors
a skull and crossbones forms in the atmosphere
the hazard squad in yellow suits piles the bodies
The reapers hands are full gathering the souls
his touch puts the suffering out of there misery
Cries of pain
the acid rain spreads all over

My thoughts:
I was always into the Metal genre since I can remember. But started to get into death metal later on in my life I have an appreciation for every kind of music. What drew me into death metal was some of the funny lyrics exaggerating a story of how a psychopath might feel and brutality put into words. I new to writing lyrics and feel that As Flesh Falls Off The Bone captures some interesting things from that genre in a unique way.

Michael Myers Tattoo Design

I have always had a fascination with tattoos and wanted to get one, some simple not too much detail due to the fact that its a tattoo and knowing how big the artist make them. I just keep them simple for myself and don't want to take too much room on my body. I have taken some request in the past from friends and family, if you want me to make you a design for a tattoo just leave me a message my email is
